If your infant intensely and inconsolably cries, usually around the same time, or is difficult to soothe due to abdominal discomfort, don't overlook the possibility of infantile colic. Colic can significantly impact the well-being of both the infant and parents. Finding relief from colic can be a daunting journey with limited options.
Traditionally, colic relief techniques consist of medication with unknown side effects. However, at Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headache Relief Center in Santa Rosa, we provide an effective colic relief protocol that is absent of medication. Our protocol takes a holistic approach to colic relief through the utilization of chiropractic and alternative therapies such as:
Take the necessary steps towards colic relief and improving your infant's quality of life with an appointment at our Santa Rosa practice. Don't wait! Begin our comprehensive patient care for infantile colic as soon as possible. Contact us at (707) 800-4477 to schedule your initial appointment and assessment.
Living with colic can tremendously impact your infant's well-being, from emotional to physiological. Colic is one condition that should be actively managed, or it may worsen if left untreated.
So, what exactly can happen if colic goes untreated?
Addressing colic promptly is vital to prevent potential issues. Our chiropractor can assess your infant's colic and develop a tailored treatment plan that may include chiropractic, physical therapy modalities, and lifestyle modifications. Begin proper care for your infant's colic by scheduling an appointment today.
I came in with a bulging disc and in severe pain and at the end of my rope. Dr. Ridgeway recommended spinal decompression therapy and over the course of my treatments I am feeling so much better! My pain is gone and I have regained full mobility without surgery or any invasive procedures. Thank you Dr. Ridgeway! *
Brooke M.Santa Rosa, CaliforniaDr. Ridgeway and his team are awesome!!! I went in for Zerona Treatments and it worked!!! Not only have I lost weight, the experience was incredible...I looked forward to each visit, like going for a massage! I'm eating better, it has changed my whole outlook and i feel better and everyone has noticed! The team is great, they know that I like early am appt's, and always remember when scheduling me. The whole experience has been incredible and I will look forward to some chiropractic work as well, Dr. Ridgeway knows his stuff and is very friendly as well. Overall experience: PERFECT!!!*
kat m.Santa Rosa, CaliforniaDr. Mike has helped me tremendously. After a failed back surgery in 2019, I once again had a bulging disc and pinched nerve and was experiencing debilitating back and sciatic pain and was unable to move around without severe pain. I was concerned about the possibility of another back surgery and the reliance on pain medication. Using the latest technology, Dr. Mike was able to decompress my spine using the Accu-Spina machine. Dr. Mike provided an alternative to traditional medicine, helping me to avoid another horrific back surgery. He provided an effective non-surgical treatment that I will be forever thankful for. He is very knowledgeable and professional and he keeps up on the latest technology. I am so thankful for his expertise and care. I highly recommend Dr. Mike. *
shannon s.Santa Rosa, CaliforniaI received adjustments that improved my upper back pain issues. The massage I received from Tony was very relaxing and my body tension melted away. I definitely recommend Santa Rosa Chiropractic. *
Paula K.Santa Rosa, CaliforniaI have been doing decompression therapy for almost 2 months for a lower spine disc herniation and have gone from constant pain and limited motion to being able workout with minimal pain. I have had a great experience. *
Lisa K.Santa Rosa, California* Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.